In some sturgeon in Astrakhan pebble converged. With this Volga city associated sonorous names - Khlebnikov poet and artist Kustodiev.
Do you want it or not, only the very roots of knowledge adds personality. Painter Boris Parhunov whose solo exhibition is being held in the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, who was born in Astrakhan. Volzhsky space or the Volga, from Stenka Razin, libertines formed his irrepressible character, gave his eyes, and the hand holding the brush, the bold skill steadily growing over the years.
YES and begin it is not shy. In 1962, the whole of Moscow ran down the halls of the Academy of Arts in Kropotkinskaya Prechistenka-looking diploma works of graduates of the Moscow State Art Institute named after VI Surikov.
Nearby were two large and as diverse in style and palette, canvas, written by fellow lovebirds - Nikita Fedosov, alas, died early, and Boris Parhunovym. All the power of tradition Russa realist school of painting absorbed these paintings. Both have written, in fact, group portraits of his contemporaries.
Nikita depicted carpenters, enthusiastically chopping hut. Shine gold shavings and chips on a green ant. Boris wrote a clean, almost without midtones, young scientists paints - fizeka theorist, mathematician, biochemist, cybernetics. Young, perky, carried away by a generation of guys 60. Do not mistake the artist in the choice of heroes - people actually exist. Now, all four of them - the leading scientists of the country, not throw in a domestic science difficult for her nineties. Write to them to him again ... That something turned out to diptych!
Over the years, his skills grew stronger. The range of his creative interests broadened and clearly defined. No, he did not go to the beaten path of the first public success.
Another in his place so to gray hair and painted the portraits of famous and well known. Would the young in the manner of the teeth on the hand of the artist Gogol "portrait". And now today's pop stars have stood in line to pose in his studio at the Taganka.
Boris Parhunov knew going in this way is dangerous - you can quickly 'zamylit "the viewer's eyes monotonous manner. Such work can not find peace of response in humans.
It was necessary to expand the theme, and the artist realized that supporting the topic can only life itself.
Everything is painfully recognizable and everything - a revelation in the canvases of the painter Parhunova. The core of his work - Russian village, everyday scenes of rural life.
And more amazing to show the abundance and even still life - paintings, where the focus of flowers. Lush and wild bouquets here - dahlias, phlox, asters, hollyhocks in the garden planted by hand hostess hurried between cow, garden and lunch. Once, but can not without beauty.
Long stop visitors from canvas "The man who built log huts".
Work-worn hands of clever carpenter, human mind, knows the value of his skills, giving people shelter, which means joy and peace.
Equally profound psychological portraits groom Simeon Kuzmich with "Asterisk"- an affectionate mare and joiner Michael Prokofevich in a workshop corrects the plane. And the whole novel with dialogue can write about standing at the barnyard milkmaids women. Each woman has her temper – "Conversations".
November. Dimmed the colors of nature. But clouds are reflected in the deep ruts along the country road, the sun grows cold in the sky and towering "Forgotten haystacks" in the floodplain Protva*. You are always beautiful, native land!
More than ten years of work gave Boris Parhunov main work of this exhibition - a huge, tall and 3m 19cm wide 2m57sm, canvas "Russ" depicting the coronation of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
It ended the Time of Troubles. The country is free from foreign invaders and impostors. People aware of the greatness of his achievement. Painting "Russ" is modern and deeply symbolic. There is nothing from the historical collage, but there is no plaque opera. But painting was written in the years of stagnation and satisfactory officials from the culture. Artist withstood the onslaught and has not changed his plan and dedicated painting the great Russian painter Nesterov.
And again - the world of the Russian countryside. Peasant kids in the paintings "Summer" and "Such a happy childhood", "Old birch". And behind it all, and watching an old shepherd in a soldier's cap with earflaps in the outskirts and smokes "a cigarette", stuffed with a mahram, painting "Above the lake".
Boris Parhunov's paintings are in collections of the Tretyakov Gallery. His works have gained many museums in Europe, America, Asia and Australia.
Many times the artist participated in prestigious international exhibitions in Switzerland, Colombia, Spain, Japan.
His paintbrush can not stand fuss. He does not hype. And by the way, does not even have the title of Honored Artist. Everything is busy. And he did not care about themselves... Master puts into his paintings all the heat of the soul, and this - the main thing.
* Protva - Is the neighborhoods of the city Zhukov and located 15 kilometers from the town of Obninsk in the Kaluga region.
Leonid Kruglov
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